Back to the Future: I found this movie to be a great, fun- loving, family movie. It tells the story of a young teenage boy who meets a science professor who has created a time machine. The two main characters battle situations that they have caused for themselves in the past, and have to fix them before they leave to get back to the future. It is a heart-warming tale about friendship, love and loss. I rate this movie 10/10 for the way it’s presented and the satisfaction that it brings to someone that has watched it. This movie is known for its suspense, humour, and intensity twothumbs up way, way up!!
Winnebago Man: A fantastic documentary about an older man that has created a film trying to sell vehicles through- out the state. He is known as the angriest man alive, but he is really a miss-understood man that was having a bad day and filmed during his break down. Cursing and swearing at his camera man and getting pissed off with the flies and the heat, he continues to be filmed. Later on he finds out he is a number one hit on Youtube for the angriest man alive. He is furious about this reputation that he has been held to and try’s to prove to people he isn’t that angry human being they have all watched through -out the last few years. With- out giving too much information I will let you be the judge on how you feel about this gentleman, but I rate this video 10/10.
F*CK!! SH*T!! F*CK!! SH*T!!
Manafesto : This documentary was about music. As a singer/song writer I enjoy films like these. This documentary shows people, how the music scene is created, what it takes to be a part of it and the difficulties people go through being in the industry like this. I feel this was a hands down great experience and a fantastic way to learn about what the music industry has to offer and how you could become a part of a big scene like that. They also taught you about stealing music from computers and downloading illegally! they opened my eyes up to how wrong this could actually be! That music is a privillage not a right! i find music very appealing when im down or just bored out of my mind, music helps me get through. and remakes of old music put into new, just creates a better sound for our society and time that we live in! I rate this documentary 10/10!
Psycho: This is a fantastic psychological thriller! For anyone that enjoys being scared and jumping out of their seats, this is the movie to watch!! The story line is about a young lady that is having an affair with a married man. She ends up leaving town with thousands of dollars and stays in a cheap hotel in the middle of no-where. Meeting a strange young man that listens to everything his mother has to say. The suspense of each scene draws you in more and more each time you want to look away. This movie has a magnetic force you just don’t want to stop watching it no matter how scared you are. It’s a great story line and an interesting set up. This film has got a 10/10 from me!!
Jersey Shore: Best show of life! That’s all I have to say about this!! The funny, over dramatic and useless show is definitely not something to live your everyday life by, but it is a fantastic show when you are feeling bad about yourself or need some cheering up. The wacky 8 main characters are ridiculous with their clubbing all night, sleeping all day and having sex with as many random, hot people that you can get your hands on attitudes prove that your life can’t be all that bad! Every episode someone is fighting going to jail or soo hammered that they can’t comprehend what is even going on in the world at that moment. Their imbalanced and imperfect lives show that even reality stars have their bad days! But according to this show, nothing gets them down, they live life accordingly and get paid to do so! Soo over all it is an amazing show! Nothing can compare and I recommend it to anyone and everyone over the age of 15! Jersey shore has a perfect 10/10 from me
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