Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Another Assignment.. Another Time To Share My Thoughts ;)

Why Was This Film Made?: This film was made because people are calling Brett Gaylor's favourite artist (Girl Talk) a criminal! But I believe this film was made to prove to people that "borrowing" music, is considered stealing in the eyes of reality. Ex: sampling one song, is grounds for a lawsuit. What seems like not stealing, is very well stealing to the music industry, and the people who own the music that has not yet been released to the public (Copyrights). His intention’s were good... But show that you don't have to physically take something to be considered stealing. The director’s point of view was bias. He was on the side of remaking something that was, into something it wasn't. He is a fan of "Girl Talk" even though; none of the music he has recreated is his.

 Bias?! Okay?!:  In this case, the bias worked out in the end. But in most cases bias is usually considered as a cheating vote, or opinion. It sets a disadvantage to the rest of videos or peoples personal opinions all around the world, but Brett Gaylor did understand  all sides to this issue none as "copyright". He had interviews in his movie with a lady who worked in the copyright buildings, she had decided that "Girl Talk" was creative and his ability to be creative was not limited.
Now You’ve Seen it, What’s your thoughts?!:  I believe, it doesn’t matter what I think about copyrighting, it’s still wrong, and will be continued. I think it is amazing how people can alter and create new things out of old, but should it be done and sold as someone else’s work, I think not. It’s just like “plagiarism”, people get kicked out of their Colleges and Universities for things like that. Creating something new out of something that was already made, is called a remix, but would never have been thought of if it weren’t for the original copy.  If I were someone who had created something absolutely amazing and was none as a form of art, I would not want it to be recreated into someone else art work and then have their name on it, they didn’t think of the true art involved in making it what it was before the remake, so should not get any credit for something they just added on to something that was already fantastic?!
Overall Thoughts?!: Overall, this was a truly inspiring movie. It helped people understand the issues that come across “copyrighting” other people’s work, and how people enjoy making the future into something that is our own. But if we are remaking the old into new, is there ever going to be a new? Are we ever going to expand as a genre, or are we going to be stuck remaking the same things and trying to sell it as something new? We brand the old to say the future is in power, but are we really? I don’t think we are, but that’s for the future to decide. I’m just a student with a lot of questions and few answers.
Thanks for reading my blog… And personal thoughts about this issue

   Enjoy The Videos :D

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