Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Picking&Choosing can be soo difficult!

Relax- Blake McGrath<3

- Music video by Blake McGrath performing Relax. (C) 2010 Blake
McGrath under exclusive license to Universal Music Canada Inc.
- In this video, reality is presented as a sexual society. Through out this video,the performers are skinny, attractive, fit and can dance very well. The words represent a male who does not want to finish what he has started, too quickly so asks the woman to "Stop wait a minute slow down alittle cause i don't want to go yet blow this.. Stop wait a minute slow down alittle cause i don't want to go yet baby relax". In this song, human beings are portrayed as sex symbols, and all we do and all we want is sex. This music video is presented this way to get the attention of all teens and to make them understand the full aspect of what happens during sex. The dancing is a way to get people watching, because they see great dance moves and want to learn them without knowing what the song really means.
- Men look for sex.(some what steroetype)
- Everyone is a great dancer
- Everyone has a hot body
- Tattoos
- Everything is Black and White...

Values and creeds:
- Relax don't do it slow down stop movin... sex?
- Out-fits... half naked people
- Dancing is a form of sex
- Young teens and mid 20's are mostly into sex.

Appealing: Yay or Nay?!
Teens look at the bigger picture when it comes to music vidoes. They see people on the television or internet dancing their hearts out, and think.. " heey i want to be able to dance like that!.. or They look awesome, i'm going to try that dance move." I do this quite offten not gunna lie! When i see people dancing i just want to dance and learn the way others move. This video is very appeling to all that watch, not because of the words, but the beat and the dance moves on the screen, but because it causes people to be drawn to what's going on through out the video. The words are no longer what they mean, the music takes over and the words are drawn out. Soo.. overall i'm gunna have to say.. it's a yay for Blake McGrath :D

Hell yes it is! It's entertaining, great beat, and has some seriously good looking guys in the video! People can dance and that's what we look for in a video. People want to be interested and drawn to the video as much as the music. If you have a sh*ty video, well you are going to have sh*ty results.. Just sayin! The video is great! and I love it!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

1. I believe media studies is, crucially important to my life, because I love the media. I am addicted to who is going where in their life, what is the newest fashions and what people consider Fashion. I am constantly looking for new fashion idea’s the hottest music and the best movies possible, if i didn’t have media i wouldn’t be who I am.


3. Modern Pop Culture, is simply the greatest! I do enjoy the 8o’s and their culture, but the new culture has evolved into a whole new, way of life. Children that are 10 years old, have cell phones! So as for the new technology I am very fond of it. Some of the things I dislike about the new technology is the way people look at things and how they react to different situations due to this drastic change in culture. Children act older than they should, because they are taught through media to act older. Some of the music that has come out lately is not as good as the music back from 1980's. But it’s progressing.

4. "How do you feel about the ways teens are portrayed in the media? Do you think this is accurate? Why or why not? Provide examples from three different sources."
I feel teens are portrayed as hormonal time bombs that think nothing but sex, drugs and partying. Most new movies out or coming out are about teens learning and trying new things, becoming what the media thinjks teens should be like now. Example, the new movie coming out is L.O.L. Miley Cyrus’s new coming movie. She experiences drugs and becomes a lesbian. Music videos portray teens as great singers and know everything about anything. My third example is Fashion shows of young teen girls, they are thin and don’t eat anything. They are told to look a certain way, just like any young teens they follow the rules that the media sets because they want to be the best.
The most two important medias to me out of the three are, Music, and Films&television. Why I chose music is because I can't go one day without listening to the radio. And I chose Films&television because I enjoy watching movies and they are a big part of reality.